Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Eat More Thai Food

I am not a bold person. At least I didn’t use to be. The first time I met Salli, I was immediately blown away by her gutsiness. She was so confident and sure of herself. If it didn’t work in her favor, who cares? If you’re at all timid or shy when meeting guys, you need to take a page from her book. Actually, just take the whole chapter.

But last night! Last night I was gutsy, and loved it. And it actually worked in my favor! I was at a local Thai restaurant in Decatur called Noodle with an good friend/ ex. I’ve only been to noodle a couple of times, but both times, I couldn’t help but notice the pleasant selection of dream boats that work there. This particular night was no different. Our waiter was as spicy as my succulent noodle dish; lets call him Pad (See Ew). I knew that it looked like I was on a date of some sort, and I knew that this was pretty much unavoidable. Also, since I was eating with an ex, I didn’t want to be completely disrespectful and make a move in front of him. Right before we left, my full-bladdered friend made a trip to the loo. I took this opportunity to leave a note inviting Pad out with Salli and I later tonight, and left my number. Maybe you’re super bold and ballsy (and I would like to express my true admiration to you), but it was so exhilarating! After leaving my slightly charming note that contained ten digits with my signed check, I hustled out of the restaurant without looking back. While on the phone with Salli, trying to determine if it would be a Hand in Hand night or a MJQ night, I heard the familiar iPhone ding signifying an incoming text. It was Pad! Really—my heart fluttered! I could feel the excitement pumping madly through my veins. Not only had he received the note, but he texted me…ME! We ended up meeting at Hand in Hand after his shift. It was a familiar place that if anything did go horribly wrong, I would have the trusty and lovely bartenders to back me up. (Bartenders at Hand in Hand: You are amazing and I love you with all of my liver fibers.) Pad was absolutely wonderful, and had a lot of things surprisingly in common. He loved the note and thought that it was uniquely ballsy.

Bottom line: Girlies of Atlanta, boys eat that shit up. Do it. You have nothing to lose. What’s the worst that can happen? It’s aggressive without putting your pride on the line. Think about how many strangers we exchange smiles with, subtly flirt with and regretfully not pursue. This has to stop. This sounds cliché, but you’re special, and if you have a hunch, go with it. I don’t know what’s going to happen next with Pad, but if nothing else, I have a great new friend in a big new city. That’s what it’s all about right? Oh, and eat more Thai food.


Have you met us??

(12/20 Post Fact Footnote: A randomly met guy could end up being your unique, personalized, and monogrammed knight in shining armor on whatever animal of your choosing, OR (spoiler alert) he could end up being completely pathetic and rude a couple of weeks down the road. Proceed with caution in every situation, but always be open to adventure and possibility. AKA THIS GUY TURNED OUT TO BE DANGEROUSLY MANIACAL. be careful, always.)

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