Friday, November 12, 2010

Drinks from older guys...again

So, this one night, we were at this really cool (and cheap!!) bar in the Highlands called Moes and Joes.  We sat down at the bar, and shortly after, began conversing with a couple of men sitting next to us.  They were very nice and easy to talk to, but abooouuut 30 years older than us—>June and I have different estimations of their age, but I think she just doesn’t realize how hard the 60s were on some people..

Anywhooo, they grabbed the bartender's attention and asked what we would like to drink.  Caught off guard, but not being complete nitwits, we accepted their offer (for the record, I would advise getting something cheaper than craft beers, as you then feel more obligated to stick around...).  We chatted with them for a while. But soon we realized that was not our wisest decision, and when I got up to go to the bathroom, June followed because she “feared” I was getting “sick”.  *By the way, we still actually feel horrible for pulling that stunt—they were very nice.* But as we leaned against the wall in the back of the bar, figuring out what our next move was, we caught the attention of a table of guys we had been eyeing earlier.  They asked us what we were doing, and we briefly explained.  They invited to sit down with them, and introduced themselves.  They were all fairly good-looking guys.  Southern and youthful.  We talked to a handful of them for a bit, and then decided to call it a night.  I gave my number to the guy I was talking to, and June gave a scrap of paper with her number on it to the guy she was talking to.  Within the time it took for us to walk home, I had a text from my new friend, Moe lets call him.  He was a good guy—a fun one to talk to.  We shall see if he can stick around a little longer…

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